June 03, 2011


New Prayer Requests
·      Clara Meza's father, Marco Figueroa, was suffering with prostate cancer, which has now spread through his whole body.  Doctors say there is nothing else they can do and have sent him home to spend his last days there.  Clarita travels today to spend a few days with him before the Meza family leaves for two months furlough in the USA.  Please remember Clara and her family in this difficult time.

·      The Meza family will be on furlough in the USA for two months starting on June 11.  Let's pray for safety in their travels and God's blessing on the services.

·      The quarterly Board of Regents meets at our Seminary on Tuesday, June 7.  Pray for God’s presence and guidance as decisions are made.

·      Dwight Rich and Jon Fischer travel to Venezuela for National Board meetings from 6/9-12.  Pray for their safety and for these leadership meetings.

·      Carolyn Rich will speak at several upcoming women’s retreats in Riobamba, Guayaquil and Cuenca, Ecuador.  Grace Guerrero, Shirley Fischer and Sherry Howard will travel with her to some of the meetings.  Pray for Carolyn’s preparation and for all of the women as they travel.

Missionary Celebrations

6/6            Courtney Howard’s birthday

Continued Prayer Requests

·      It has been a rough week for the Halls as they prepare to leave the mission field.  Pray for God’s direction in their lives as they seek employment, and for wisdom and gentleness to finish their tasks and say goodbyes.  They want to finish well.

Ongoing Prayer Requests
·      That a schooling situation will open up for Jennifer, the daughter of one of our workers.
·      Jon Fischer’s dad, Vernon, undergoing dialysis three times a week.
·      Lori Beckum who is on a waiting list for kidney replacement.
·      Jeane Taylor who needs God’s healing touch.
·      The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.
·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.