April 01, 2011


·      We are always thankful when Work & Witness teams come to the mission field to give of their time, money and talents.  Recently a team from Oregon came to build a church in Ecuador.  For their story and pictures, go to www.andeanadventure.blogspot.com.  Click on the “About Work & Witness” link, and then on “W&W Team Stories” link on the next screen.

New Prayer Requests
·      Remember in prayer the family of Vicente Longo, a long-time pastor in Argentina, who passed away this week.  His wife, Myriam, works in the Communications office in the South America regional office and his son, Leandro, works in the NAF Communications office in Quito.

·      We have finished all District Conventions and Assemblies on the NAF.  Please pray for all of our leaders, especially the newly installed leaders, who are working to build God’s kingdom through their specific areas of ministry.

Ongoing Prayer Requests

·      Dwight & Carolyn Rich has they serve on Home Assignment in the States until 5/7.
·      The son of Ruth Ann Morris who needs prayer for depression and the restoration of his marriage.
·      Jon Fischer’s dad, Vernon, undergoing dialysis three times a week.
·      Lori Beckum who is on a waiting list for kidney replacement.
·      Jeane Taylor who needs God’s healing touch.
·      The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.
·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.