March 11, 2011


New Prayer Requests

·     Please pray for District Superintendent Teófilo Caicedo from Medellin, Colombia. He was rushed to the hospital on Friday evening for a very severe pain in his head.  He is undergoing tests.

·     Grace Guerrero, our Quito Seminary President's wife, flew home to Guayaquil today to be with a brother who is possibly dying.  He does not know Jesus as his Savior and we would request prayer for his salvation and for all the family in this difficult time.

·     Ruth Ann Morris, a volunteer preparing to come to Ecuador, is requesting prayer for her son.  He is suffering from depression, is having marital problems and has not been in contact with anyone in his family for a couple of days.  Please pray for this man, his wife and his family.

·     Pray for Diane Wright, a frequent volunteer to Ecuador, who is experiencing a problem related to serious sinus conditions.

Continued Prayer Requests

·     Remember in prayer the Work & Witness team from Colorado as they work in the mountains outside of Riobamba, Ecuador, through 3/20.

·     We covet your prayers for the upcoming annual meetings and district conventions across the NAF.  Below are the dates for the NAF assemblies.
3/12 - Ecuador Costa Norte
3/12 - Ecuador Sierra Norte
3/18 - Venezuela Centro
3/19 - Venezuela Llanos
3/25 - Ecuador Sierra Centro

Ongoing Prayer Requests

·     Jon Fischer’s dad, Vernon, undergoing dialysis three times a week.

·     Lori Beckum who is on a waiting list for kidney replacement.

·     Jeane Taylor who needs God’s healing touch.

·     Dallis Parker who is undergoing radiation treatments.

·     The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.

·     The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.