September 24, 2010



·     The South America Regional Office recently congratulated Dwight & Carolyn Rich on their 25 years of service as missionaries.  We are so thankful for their passion for missions and their leadership for the North Andean Field.  To read the translated article from the Regional Office, go to

·     We praise God for the way He continues to work in the lives of our Seminary students. This week, we’ve posted the testimony and photo of Carmen Nieves at

·     Angélica Ballesteros, a Seminary student who has been working in the jungles of Peru, has returned to Quito to resume her studies.  We thank God for His protection and for what He accomplished in her life during this time.

·     Last week we prayed for Pastor Milton & Gina Mateus and their five children who were recently attacked in their home in Colombia.  Gina is attending The Master’s Plan conference while Milton and the children stayed home.  She greatly appreciates the prayers of the NAF partnership on behalf of her family and their safety.

·     Thank you for your prayers for missionary Stan Hall.  Although the hematoma hasn’t fully dissolved yet, he is able to drive now and the pain is much less.

Prayer Requests

·     Currently The Master’s Plan conference in Cali, Colombia, is being held until 9/26. Pray for God’s anointing on the services and events.

·     Update on Rev. Carlos Muñoz:  His surgery went well.  His wife, Lilia, is thankful for the prayers of Nazarene brothers and sisters from all over the world.  Please continue to pray that he will have a full recovery.

·     Update on Dallis Parker:  The breast tumor has shrunk significantly in just 9 weeks.  Her liver has not enlarged and is functioning well.  Continue to pray for her as she continues her chemo treatments.

·     Several Mission Corps volunteers are planning to come to Ecuador to work on the NAF. Please pray for these people as they prepare their lives and their hearts to come:

o   9/27:  Greg & Diane Hall
o   10/11: Kyle Steinke (former NILI student) serving for a year
o   10/26:  Al & Diane Wright

·     Lift in prayer the following Work & Witness teams coming to serve in Ecuador. All three groups will be working with indigenous churches located in the mountains near Riobamba:

o   Aurora, Colorado:  10/1-10
o   Missouri District Team One:  10/15-28
o   Missouri District Team Two:  11/1-14

Continued Prayer Requests

·     Rev. Freddy Guerrero as he waits for surgery to remove a part of his small intestine.
·     The Howard family currently on Home Assignment until 1/9/11.
·     Manuel & Kristin Ronquillo currently serving in our Seminary in Cuba.
·     Carla Aleman (Venezuelan), a Seminary student working in the jungles of Peru for the next couple of months.
·     Please pray for a delicate situation between pastors on our Ecuador Coast District.
·     Two of our Nazarene schools.  The leadership teams need God’s wisdom and direction.  The Carcelén church is involved in legal matters and needs funds related to the closing of the school.
·     Campamento Jiraquito in Venezuela (our Nazarene camp) needs God’s protection, and the leadership needs wisdom when dealing with government officials.
·     The new churches being planted by our Seminary staff and students.
·     The political tensions between the countries of the North Andean Field.
·     Del Wright who needs God’s touch and a diagnosis for an unidentified infection in his shoulder.
·     Dallis Parker who is undergoing treatments for cancer.
·     Marilyn Cummings who is recovering from cancer.
·     The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.
·     The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.

September 23, 2010



·     We praise God for the way He used the NILI staff and students on their recent ministry trip to Santa Domingo, Ecuador.  Through community service and ministry events, they touched many lives. In addition, they gained a true appreciation for modern conveniences as some of the communities were without running water.  For the complete story and photos, go to

Prayer Requests

·     Remember the Ecuador-wide conference being held in Riobamba this weekend.  Its purpose is to develop leaders in 11 ministry areas such as youth, missions, etc.  Pray that it will be well attended and that people will answer God’s call to build His kingdom through leadership.

·     Please pray for Pastor Milton & Gina Mateus and their five children.  Milton has been our evangelism and Jesus Film Coordinator in Colombia since the beginning of the JF ministry.  He also pastors a growing church in Giron, a suburb of Bucaramanga.  About a week ago they were advised of a possible attack.  Early Tuesday morning two shots crashed through the window of their bedroom.  Nobody was hurt but it has left them a bit shaken.  The church presently has 37 new Christians in discipleship, and they have been concentrating on a period of prayer and fasting.  They are convinced that this is an attack by Satan on their church.

·     Update on Rev. Freddy Guerrero:  He will undergo a surgery to remove a portion of the small intestine.  The date has not been scheduled yet, and he has returned to some of his responsibilities.  In fact, next week he is traveling and speaking outside of the country.  Let's continue to pray for God's touch upon his life.

·     Update on Rev. Carlos Muñoz:  He will be operated on for prostate cancer on September 21.  We would greatly appreciate your prayers for him and his family.  He is one of our early leaders in the church in Colombia.

·     Update on missionary Stan Hall:  The hematoma on his back isn’t draining very quickly and is still causing a lot of pain.  He has returned to his full work schedule, and would appreciate your prayers.

·     Several Mission Corps volunteers are planning to come to Ecuador to work on the NAF. Please pray for these people as they prepare their lives and their hearts to come:

o   9/27:  Greg & Diane Hall
o   10/11: Kyle Steinke (former NILI student) serving for a year
o   10/26:  Al & Diane Wright

·     Lift in prayer the following Work & Witness teams coming to serve in Ecuador. All three groups will be working with indigenous churches located in the mountains near Riobamba:
o   Aurora, Colorado:  10/1-10
o   Missouri District Team One:  10/15-28
o   Missouri District Team Two:  11/1-14

Continued Prayer Requests
·     The Howard family currently on Home Assignment until 1/9/11.
·     Manuel & Kristin Ronquillo currently serving in our Seminary in Cuba.
·     The leadership and planning for The Master’s Plan conference in Cali, Colombia, 9/23-26 (
·     Angélica Ballesteros (Colombian) and Carla Aleman (Venezuelan), our Seminary students working in the jungles of Peru for the next couple of months.
·     Krista Fischer as she begins college at MNU.  And her parents, Jon & Shirley, as they transition to having both daughters now living in the States.
·     Please pray for a delicate situation between pastors on our Ecuador Coast District.
·     Two of our Nazarene schools.  The leadership teams need God’s wisdom and direction.  The Carcelén church is involved in legal matters and needs funds related to the closing of the school.
·     Campamento Jiraquito in Venezuela (our Nazarene camp) needs God’s protection, and the leadership needs wisdom when dealing with government officials.
·     The new churches being planted by our Seminary staff and students.
·     The political tensions between the countries of the North Andean Field.
·     Del Wright who needs God’s touch and a diagnosis for an unidentified infection in his shoulder.
·     Dallis Parker who is undergoing treatments for cancer.
·     Marilyn Cummings who is recovering from cancer.
·     The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.
·     The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.

September 10, 2010



·      We praise God for the outpouring of His Spirit on the joint worship service for the Sierra North District in Ecuador last Sunday.  It was a powerful time of celebration, preaching and united prayer with over 1500 people participating.  For a complete story and photos, go to www.
·      Luis Meza, Jr., has been granted his VISA in order to attend college in the States.  He hopes to start in February but needs certain matters of finance to come together in order for him to attend.

Prayer Requests

·      Update on Rev. Freddy Guerrero (Seminary Rector):  He was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday evening with severe abdominal pains.  He has undergone numerous tests without the doctors determining the cause.  The big intestine has severe inflammation.  Doctors want to do exploratory surgery but neither Freddy nor his wife, Grace, want to do that.  This morning at 4 am Freddy began to feel some relief.  This afternoon they removed the tubes from his nose and mouth.  He has been able to drink water with normal urination.  They hope to feed him some solid food this evening, as he has not eaten for 4 days.  If Freddy is well enough, he could return home tomorrow and then return on Monday for more testing.  Late this afternoon his stomach was feeling tight again so let's keep praying.  We believe God is making a difference.
·      Lift in prayer Pastor Carols Munoz who is having major surgery on 9/21.  He pastors one of our largest churches in Colombia and is one of our early leaders in the Nazarene church in that country.
·      Two weeks ago Stan Hall fell about 20 feet and landed on his back which bruised his lung and caused a large hematoma on his back.  He continues to have complications with this injury.  We are praying that he will heal quickly and will be able to return to his normal work schedule soon.

Continued Prayer Requests

·      The Howard family currently on Home Assignment until 1/9/11.
·      Manuel & Kristin Ronquillo currently serving in our Seminary in Cuba.
·      The leadership and planning for The Master’s Plan conference in Cali, Colombia, 9/23-26 (
·      Angélica Ballesteros (Colombian) and Carla Aleman (Venezuelan), our Seminary students working in the jungles of Peru for the next couple of months.
·      Krista Fischer as she begins college at MNU.  And her parents, Jon & Shirley, as they transition to having both daughters now living in the States.
·      Please pray for a delicate situation between pastors on our Ecuador Coast District.
·      Two of our Nazarene schools.  The leadership teams need God’s wisdom and direction.  The Carcelén church is involved in legal matters and needs funds related to the closing of the school.
·      Campamento Jiraquito in Venezuela (our Nazarene camp) needs God’s protection, and the leadership needs wisdom when dealing with government officials.
·      The new churches being planted by our Seminary staff and students.
·      The political tensions between the countries of the North Andean Field.
·      Del Wright who needs God’s touch and a diagnosis for an unidentified infection in his shoulder.
·      Dallis Parker who is undergoing treatments for cancer.
·      Marilyn Cummings who is recovering from cancer.
·      The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.
·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.