October 24, 2008



Missionary Stan Hall shares this praise report:  I'm teaching a Seminary class on Evangelism with 22 students.  After several weeks of class, 28 of us, which included both Seminary and NILI students, went to our favorite "fishing hole" and met the pastor with several people from his church.

Using the sound system donated by some NAF Partners, we played music, did magic tricks and other things to attract a crowd.  Many students were scared to death when we started.  Later they testified that the Lord helped them and that they were able to talk with and pray with several to accept Christ.  Over 100 people accepted Christ in a little over an hour.  One of our NILI students, who just started learning Spanish at the beginning of this semester, led some people to Christ as well.  Praise God!

One Seminary student testified that he was talking with a youth who was a Christian.  He was concerned for his mother who hadn't accepted Christ.  The student told him to go get his mother.  While he was waiting, he began talking with two ladies who after some persuasion decided to accept Christ.  When the boy came back, it turned out that one of the ladies was his mother!

After the street experience, we went back to our classroom.  Almost everyone shared about how God had helped him or her put the training into practice.  We praise the Lord that many who were once afraid to share their faith now can't wait to go out again in a couple of weeks.  As a Seminary we are planning next year to plant several churches using the methods of evangelism we're currently learning in class.  Praise God for those who shared and for those who heard.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for Dwight Rich and Jon Fischer as they travel to Venezuela on 10/25, and will meet with the Venezuela National Board on Monday and Tuesday.

Missionary Celebrations

10/26            Gail Zickefoose

10/28            Kim Haddon

Continued Prayer Requests

·      The Alulema family as they continue to heal from the tragic car accident.

·      The Howard family on Home Assignment until the end of December.

·      That Felix Vargas would receive a U.S. presidential pardon and be able to return to the U.S. one day.

·      NILI:  recruiting students and building relationships with partnering universities.

·      This school year for our Seminary and our extension programs in all three countries.

·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.

October 10, 2008


Prayer Requests

·      The Dave Clayton family, our first NILI-Professional students, are arriving on Monday, 10/13.  Please pray for God’s blessings upon their studies and their immersion experience.  They will also be serving as Mission Corps volunteers during their time in Ecuador.

·      Lift in prayer the Plan del Maestro Convention to be held in Cali, Colombia, from 10/16-19.  Pray for the leadership and attendees, for safe travels and for God’s will to be accomplished during this time.

·      Update on Alulema Family:  You will remember the tragic accident that affected various members of the Alulema family in Ecuador some weeks ago.  Fernando, the nephew who suffered a spinal injury and received surgery for that injury, is now walking on crutches.  Praise the Lord!  Vladimir, one of the sons who also suffered a spinal injury and underwent surgery, was not expected to walk; however, now he experiencing feeling in his left leg.

We appreciate so much your prayers on behalf of this family.  The parents have been back in church but the mother is having a very difficult time dealing with all that has happened to their family, including the death of their oldest son.  Let’s keep praying to our all-powerful God.

Missionary Birthdays

10/16            Jon Fischer

Continued Prayer Requests

·      The Howard family on Home Assignment until the end of December.

·      That Felix Vargas would receive a U.S. presidential pardon and be able to return to the U.S. one day.

·      NILI:  recruiting students and building relationships with partnering universities.

·      This school year for our Seminary and our extension programs in all three countries.

·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.

October 03, 2008


Prayer Requests

·      This Sunday, 10/5, the churches on the Costa (Guayaquil) district are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Church of the Nazarene.  The Costa Norte district is also celebrating with a parade and TV coverage.  Please pray for God’s blessings upon these events and for those participating and traveling.

·      Please remember the NILI staff and students that are traveling to Riobamba this weekend for church services and a time of tourism.

·      Pray for Jen Staudt, Mission Corps volunteer serving in Ecuador, as she returns to the States for a time of rest and fundraising.  Her plan is to return to Quito in January 2009.

·      NAF Partner Virgina Roberts requests prayer as she has been diagnosed with cancer in the muscle of her shoulder and possibly her lungs.  She is undergoing tests this week to determine her treatment.  Her request is to “pray that God will take this away and the doctors won’t find anything.”

Continued Prayer Requests

·      The Howard family on Home Assignment until the end of December.

·      That Felix Vargas would receive a U.S. presidential pardon and be able to return to the U.S. one day.

·      That Vladimir Alulema will walk again and that his entire family will come back to the Lord.

·      NILI:  recruiting students and building relationships with partnering universities.

·      The school year for our Seminary and our extension programs in all three countries.

·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.