July 15, 2011


Editor’s personal note:  It has been my great privilege and blessing to write the NAF prayer mailing every week, and I’m sad that this is my last one.  The mailing will be continued, so keep praying!  Prayer is the foundation of the NAF ministries.


·      The Halls appreciate your prayers.  They have accepted a pastorate in the St. Louis area and their first Sunday is 7/24!  God’s perfect timing and direction have been evident every day in their lives.

·      We thank the Lord for the wonderful Work and Witness team from Long Beach, CA, and for their great contributions to our Seminary campus with special mention for the remodeling of the chapel.  Please pray for the team as they return to the USA on Saturday, July16.

New Prayer Requests

·      Please pray for our NILI students as they return home on July 15 and 16.

Missionary Celebrations

7/19            Jon & Shirley Fischer’s anniversary

Continued Prayer Requests 

·      We’ve been praying for Jennifer, the daughter of one of our workers, to find a school.  Lucho reports that all four of the possible openings are closed so they are checking one more option.  Pray that this opens up for her soon.

Ongoing Prayer Requests

·      Several requests for people undergoing treatment for cancer:
o   Rev. Carlos Castro, pastor in Milagro, Ecuador.
o   Pastor Marcos Casco, pastor of the Bellavista Church near Puyo/Shell, Ecuador.
o   Clara Medina de Valdivieso, pastor’s wife in Alausi, Ecuador.
o   Carlos Robalino, Jr., from the Riobamba Bellavista church.

·      Vernon Fischer, Jon’s dad, on dialysis and on a waiting list to receive a kidney.

·      Joe Roberts recovering from a heart attack and his wife, Virginia, receiving treatments for kidney cancer, both long-time NAF partners.

·      The Meza family on furlough in the USA for two months starting on June 11.  Let's pray for safety in their travels and God's blessing on the services.

·      Lori Beckum who is on a waiting list for kidney replacement.

·      Jeane Taylor who needs God’s healing touch.

·      The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.

·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.