April 29, 2011


New Prayer Requests
·      The 10th semester of NILI is now complete and the students are traveling back to their homes on Saturday.  Pray for safe travels.  Pray also for the staff and upcoming students as they prepare for the summer semester that starts 5/19.

Continued Prayer Requests
·      Please pray for the upcoming South America Region meetings in Pilar, Argentina:
5/10-11 – Regional Advisory Committee and other meetings
5/12-15 – Regional Conference.  Its purpose is to gather, inspire and equip the regional leaders from all over South America.
5/16-17 – specific ministry training meetings

Ongoing Prayer Requests
·      Dwight & Carolyn Rich has they serve on Home Assignment in the States until 5/7.
·      Jon Fischer’s dad, Vernon, undergoing dialysis three times a week.
·      Marie Cotterill who is fighting cancer.
·      Lori Beckum who is on a waiting list for kidney replacement.
·      Jeane Taylor who needs God’s healing touch.
·      The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.
·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.