May 27, 2011


·      Update on NAF partner Marie Cotterill:  She came through surgery very well.  The doctors are confident they got the entire tumor.  The lymph nodes were all clear, so none of those had to be removed.  Praise the Lord!
New Prayer Requests
·      Missionaries Stan & Sherri Hall have made the difficult decision to leave the mission field due to health reasons.  They need your prayers as they begin the process of dealing with the logistics of leaving Ecuador along with seeking God's direction for their lives.
·      Pray for our two MNU interns, Aubrey and Alisha, who arrive in Ecuador on 6/1 to work for the summer.
·      Anderson Godoy, Seminary graduate and regional missionary for SAMRO, is called to be a missionary in Asia someday.  To prepare for this venture, he wants to study at the Nazarene Seminary in the Philippines.  Now he is trying to raise funds for a flight to Philippines in June.  Recently, he had financial setback when he was robbed while traveling and everything on him was stolen.  Pray that God will open up the way for him to get to the Philippines so he can begin his studies.
·      Al Wright’s sister, Anita, had a total knee replacement this week.  While in the hospital, a spot on her liver was found.  This is especially troublesome since she is a breast cancer survivor.  The doctors are waiting until she has healed from the knee surgery before proceeding with any further treatment.  Pray for her quick recovery from the surgery and for peace while she waits.

Missionary Celebrations

6/1            Candace Howard’s birthday

Continued Prayer Requests

·      We’ve been praying for Lucho, one of our Work & Witness workers, who is seeking a school for his daughter, Jennifer.  He reports that her name is on three waiting lists.  Continue to pray that the right situation opens up.

Ongoing Prayer Requests

·      Jon Fischer’s dad, Vernon, undergoing dialysis three times a week.
·      Lori Beckum who is on a waiting list for kidney replacement.
·      Jeane Taylor who needs God’s healing touch.
·      The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.
·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.