January 14, 2011


Prayer Requests

·     The new school year for our Seminary students begins next Monday.  There are a few issues related to student visas and many are traveling this weekend from their different countries to Quito. Pray for all of these logistics, and pray that God’s will be fulfilled in each of our students’ lives.

·     Lift in prayer Kim Haddon and her mother, Kathy, while they recover from a car accident last week.  They both have neck and back pains and are praying for healing.

·     Please continue to pray for Jeane Taylor, one of our NAF partners, who has come many times to Ecuador on construction teams.  We have prayed for Jeane in the past for lupus.  She needs God’s healing touch and appreciates your prayers.

·     Continue to pray for the Work & Witness team from Arizona that is coming to work the District Center in Riobamba, Ecuador, from 1/17-27.  We are excited that Bruce and Cinda McKellips are coming as leaders of the team.  The Fischers’ prayer is that the team will be plugged into where God is already working.

Missionary Celebrations

1/18            Shirley Fischer
1/26            Kyle Steinke (volunteer)

Continued Prayer Requests

·     We would appreciate your continued prayer for Carolyn Rich, her mom (Louise Frazier), and the rest of the family after the recent home-going of Carolyn’s dad.
·     The six new churches being planted by our Seminary staff and students.
·     The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.
·     The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.

January 08, 2011


·      For many months, we have been praying for a miracle for the Carcelén church which needed an overwhelming amount of money to close the school according to law and pay severance for the entire staff.  Well, God has delivered!  Last week all severance payments have been made and the church has met all of its legal obligations!  This Sunday the church is having a “Gloria a Dios!” celebration to remember all of the many ways God has been faithful to the church during this past year.

Prayer Requests

·      Please remember to pray for Louise Frazier, Carolyn Rich's mom, as she begins to adjust after the death of Carolyn's dad.  Dwight and Carolyn left her today for the first time as they traveled to Kansas City.
·      Pray for the next semester of NILI which begins next Friday, 1/14.  We have seven students coming from several of our Nazarene universities in the States.  Pray for these students and the staff as they prepare.
·      Many of our missionaries will be returning to Ecuador after the Christmas break during this next week.  In addition, the Fischer girls will be returning to the States.  Pray for traveling mercies upon all those traveling.
·      Pray for the Work & Witness team from Arizona that is coming to work the District Center in Riobamba, Ecuador, from 1/17-27.  The Fischers’ prayer is that the team will be plugged into where God is already working.
·      Dallis Parker posted this update:  The surgeon’s report after my mastectomy and lymph nodes removal shows that tumors in the breast had ZERO sign of any living cancer cells!!!  Fifty-eight lymph nodes were removed of which NONE had any living cells per this report—the best report ever.  We are very thankful for our team of care professionals at UTSW in Dallas and how God has used them and their talents.  We are also so very grateful for the care and concern of family and friends.  THANK YOU for praying and cheering.  Your prayers have been effective.  We are giving praises to God as He is so worthy."

Missionary Celebrations

1/3            Dana Howard
1/7            Dwight Rich
1/18            Shirley Fischer
1/26            Kyle Steinke (volunteer)

Continued Prayer Requests

·      Please pray for a delicate situation between pastors on our Ecuador Coast District.
·      Campamento Jiraquito in Venezuela (our Nazarene camp) needs God’s protection from people who would like to take it over.
·      The six new churches being planted by our Seminary staff and students.
·      The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.
·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.

How to Contact Us

Visit us at www.andeanadventure.blogspot.com <http://www.andeanadventure.blogspot.com> to learn more about various NAF activities.  Please send your questions, comments or changes in your email address or other contact information to:  thehalls4@gmail.com.  Thank you!