October 29, 2010



·      This week Dwight Rich, DS Eduardo Meza and Pastor Clever Tobar were robbed in Guayaquil.  They lost money and valuables, and they were roughed up a bit, but they are physically doing well.  God’s protection was very real to the men during the entire experience.  Rocio Meza called Eduardo’s phone during the ordeal, one of the thugs answered by mistake, and she heard angry voices.  Knowing something was very wrong, she immediately started a prayer chain among the Nazarenes, including her father’s church that was in a prayer meeting at the time.  Dwight says that it was clear that the prayers were working because about 30 minutes after Rocio called, the tone of the situation changed.  We are so thankful for God’s intervention and care.  And we thank you, our prayer partners, for your continuous prayers on behalf of our safety.

·      We are pleased to announce that the Costa Norte district has been recommended to move up to Phase 2 in it’s development.  We want to pray for the proper approval.

Prayer Requests

·      Please pray for Kim Haddon, missionary and NILI student life director, who is currently in the States for about 3 months in order to raise support for living on the field.  She is looking for either a short-term job or several substitute teaching jobs.  Pray also for strengthened health so that she may return to the field fully rested and well.

·      Missouri Team #1 leaves today after working on the Licto church located in the mountains near Riobamba.  The first team got all the walls of the church up.  A highlight of the week was worshipping with the church people outside on the grass with the patchwork mountains providing a scenic background.  We are praying for Missouri District Team #2 as they prepare to continue the work 11/1-14.

Missionary Birthdays

10/28                        Kim Haddon

Continued Prayer Requests

·      Rev. Eduardo Gonzalez, former Nazarene missionary, who continues to be in an induced coma.
·      The Howard family currently on Home Assignment until 1/9/11.
·      Manuel & Kristin Ronquillo serving in our Seminary in Cuba.
·      Carla Aleman, a Seminary student working in the jungles of Peru until November.
·      Please pray for a delicate situation between pastors on our Ecuador Coast District.
·      Two of our Nazarene schools.  The leadership teams need God’s wisdom and direction.  The Carcelén church is involved in legal matters and needs funds related to the closing of the school.
·      Campamento Jiraquito in Venezuela (our Nazarene camp) needs God’s protection from people who would like to take it over.
·      The six new churches being planted by our Seminary staff and students.
·      Del Wright who needs God’s touch and a diagnosis for an unidentified infection in his shoulder.
·      Dallis Parker who is undergoing chemotherapy.
·      The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.
·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.

October 15, 2010



·      An excerpt of praise from Dwight Rich in a recent update to the NAF partners:  “We would like to express our appreciation to each one of you for joining with us in the great endeavor to build God's Kingdom on the North Andean Field.  There is no way we can express what it means to have your prayer support.  For us to know that wherever we go and whatever we do, there are people who care enough to remember us is an incalculable blessing.  This year we have seen how God's hand is not limited, but it is as powerful today as when Jesus walked the shores of Galilee.  There have been so many incredible answers to all of our prayers.  All I can say is, thank you!”
·      Marilyn Cummings, for whom we’ve been praying, sent in the following praise:  “Good news!  The cancer is in remission.  What a journey but God answers prayer.  So many people praying and they made all the difference.”

Prayer Requests

·      On Saturday, Ecuador’s National Evaluation Committee will meet in Santa Domingo to determine if the Costa Norte district (which is in Phase 1 of development) is ready to be raised to Phase 2.  Pray for all those traveling to and from the meetings, and pray for God’s wisdom and presence throughout the evaluation process.
·      Pray for Rev. Freddy Guerrero, Quito Seminary President, as he travels to South Africa for the Lausanne Congress over the next week.
·      Lift in prayer the following Work & Witness teams coming to serve in Ecuador.  Both groups will be working on the Licto church, an indigenous church located in the mountains near Riobamba:
o   Missouri District Team One:  10/15-28
o   Missouri District Team Two:  11/1-14

Missionary Birthdays

10/16                        Jon Fischer

Continued Prayer Requests

·      The Howard family currently on Home Assignment until 1/9/11.
·      Manuel & Kristin Ronquillo serving in our Seminary in Cuba.
·      Carla Aleman, a Seminary student working in the jungles of Peru until November.
·      Please pray for a delicate situation between pastors on our Ecuador Coast District.
·      Two of our Nazarene schools.  The leadership teams need God’s wisdom and direction.  The Carcelén church is involved in legal matters and needs funds related to the closing of the school.
·      Campamento Jiraquito in Venezuela (our Nazarene camp) needs God’s protection from people who would like to take it over.
·      The six new churches being planted by our Seminary staff and students.
·      Del Wright who needs God’s touch and a diagnosis for an unidentified infection in his shoulder.
·      Dallis Parker who is undergoing chemotherapy.
·      The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.
·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.

October 08, 2010



·      For many months we have been praying for the legal and financial situation regarding the closing of the school at our Carcelén church.  Last Saturday, God performed a miracle and the church was able to pay its first installment of a very large payment.  Praise the Lord!  To read the full story, go to www.hallupdate.blogspot.com.

·      We want to thank you for your prayers for Rev. Freddy Guerrero, Rector of our Quito Seminary.  Yesterday he went through tests to confirm the need for surgery and it was discovered that his small intestine is completely clear.  Praise God!  Please continue to pray for him as he makes changes in his lifestyle.

·      We continue to be blessed at our Seminary with students who are preparing to serve in ministry.  This week, we’ve shared the testimony of Graciela Medina at www.andeanadventure.blogspot.com.

Prayer Requests

·      Please continue to help us pray for Rev. Eduardo Gonzalez, former Nazarene missionary, who was admitted into intensive care in a hospital in Guayaquil, Ecuador earlier in the week.  He has been operated on for what we think was a blood clot in the brain.  He continues to be in intensive care and is not responding very well.

·      Several Mission Corps volunteers are planning to come to Ecuador to work on the NAF.  Please pray for these people as they prepare their lives and their hearts to come:
o   10/11: Kyle Steinke (former NILI student) serving for a year
o   10/26:  Al & Diane Wright

·      Lift in prayer the following Work & Witness teams coming to serve in Ecuador.  Both groups will be working on the Lictu church, an indigenous church located in the mountains near Riobamba:
o   Missouri District Team One:  10/15-28
o   Missouri District Team Two:  11/1-14

Continued Prayer Requests

·      Rev. Carlos Muñoz recovering from surgery.
·      The Howard family currently on Home Assignment until 1/9/11.
·      Manuel & Kristin Ronquillo serving in our Seminary in Cuba.
·      Carla Aleman, a Seminary student working in the jungles of Peru until November.
·      Please pray for a delicate situation between pastors on our Ecuador Coast District.
·      Two of our Nazarene schools.  The leadership teams need God’s wisdom and direction.  The Carcelén church is involved in legal matters and needs funds related to the closing of the school.
·      Campamento Jiraquito in Venezuela (our Nazarene camp) needs God’s protection from people who would like to take it over.
·      The new churches being planted by our Seminary staff and students.
·      Del Wright who needs God’s touch and a diagnosis for an unidentified infection in his shoulder.
·      Dallis Parker who is undergoing chemotherapy.
·      Marilyn Cummings who is recovering from cancer.
·      The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.
·      The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.