January 26, 2007


· We are thankful for the NNU team that recently worked in Venezuela. For pictures and details, click on the "Home" link to the right.

New Prayer Requests
· Please pray for the upcoming retreat (1/29 – 1/30) for the Seminary staff and their spouses. It will be a time of team-building and refreshment.

· Pray for Dwight Rich as he travels throughout Venezuela from 2/1 to 2/6.

· Pray for the parents of Stan Hall as they travel to Quito on 2/1 and travel home on 2/14.

Continued Prayer Requests
· Update on Diane Wright: At Diane’s last appointment, the doctor expected her to be able to drop her leg to 90 degrees but she was only at 5 degrees. As a result, she may not have as much range of motion as hoped. As she continues therapy, it is very painful, but it is getting results. Already she is at about 60 degrees. Thanks so much for your prayers on Diane’s behalf. We know that the Lord has a purpose for all of this and we will know in His time.
· Continue to pray for our District Assemblies taking place from 2/4 until 3/6. Prayer for traveling safety and for the leadership of these events. For a specific list of dates and locations, look below in the 1/19/07 listing.
· The W&W team working on the Chillogallo, Ecuador church. They return on 2/1.
· Update on Rachel Wood who is recovering from Bell’s palsy: "I’m feeling fine now. My face seems to be doing even better, just over the past two days."
· The Dana Howard family on home assignment.
· Marion Rich, Dwight’s mother, that her strength will return after recent illness.
· Lucho Flores, one of our construction workers, as he recovers from a broken collarbone.
· Bruce McKellips as he continues to recover from rotator cuff surgery.
· The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.

January 24, 2007


New Prayer Requests

Work & Witness Team in Ecuador:
A team from Lewiston, Idaho will be here from Sat. 1/20 until 2/1 to work on the Chillogallo church located in the south of Quito. Pray for this team’s safety and their ministry. Also, pray for the leadership of the McKellips as they begin this new project.

District Assemblies:
Please help us pray for the upcoming District Assemblies. There is a lot of traveling and decision-making involved in these events.

2/4 Venezuela Andino

2/10 Venezuela Centro, Ecuador Sierra Norte

2/17 Colombia Nor Occidental, Venezuela Lago

2/23 Colombia Central Sur

2/24 Colombia Central Norte, Venezuela Llanos Occidentales, Ecuador Costa Norte, Ecuador Sierra Sur, Ecuador Austro

2/25 Colombia Eje Cafetero

2/27 Colombia Nor Oriental

3/3 Venezuela Primero, Ecuador Costa, Ecuador Sierra Centro

3/6 Colombia Sur Occidental

Continued Prayer Requests

· Rachel Wood (sister-in-law to Ginger) as she recovers from Bell’s palsy.
· Seminary: the intensive courses being taught in both Quito and Bogotá, 15 – 26 of January.
· The Dana Howard family on home assignment.
· Jennifer Baker that her strength will return completely after a severe viral infection.
· Diane Wright as she recovers from surgery to repair a compound fracture in her leg.
· Marion Rich, Dwight’s mother, that her strength will return after recent illness.
· Lucho Flores, one of our construction workers, as he recovers from a broken collarbone.
· Bruce McKellips as he continues to recover from rotator cuff surgery.
· The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.

January 13, 2007



Rachel Wood:
Rachel Wood’s husband sent in this prayer update: “When she went to the ER for the Bell's palsy, her CT scan showed what appeared to be a cyst on the Pineal part of her brain. Everyone in our church prayed for her, as well as the pastors on our district, and friends like you. We met with her doctor today to discuss the follow-up MRI; they can find nothing wrong with her brain! Whatever was there before is gone now. Thank you very much for your prayers!” Please continue to pray for her as she recovers from Bell’s palsy.

Recent Training in Guayaquil, Ecuador:
We thank God for his faithfulness during the recent training in Guayaquil churches (Distrito Costa). Here are some of the results:
· 35 pastors attended an all-day Ministerial Ethics seminar which was well received.
· 9 churches and over 200 pastors and laymen participated in Personal Evangelism training.
· 100 people attended street evangelism training during three different events.
· Over 40 people accepted Christ during street evangelism and each church was careful to record information for follow-up contacts.
· One evening, an unsaved man attended an evangelism training session because previously he had forbidden his wife to attend the church until he attended himself to investigate. He didn’t realize that evangelism was going to be taught the night he attended. However, at the end of the session, he accepted Christ and shared his testimony and the way he had previously harassed his wife about attending. Now he is excited to attend the church with his whole family. Glory to God!

New Prayer Requests

Work & Witness Team in Ecuador:
Currently a Work & Witness team made up of people from Kansas and Michigan are working on the Eucalyptus church near Quito, Ecuador. Pray for this team’s safety and their ministry. They will travel home on Jan. 18th.

Wood Family:
Pray for the traveling safety of the Wood family (coming to visit missionary Ginger Wood). Their travel dates are January 12th (today) and 18th.

Craig and Gail Zickefoose:
The Zickefooses are traveling during the next 3 weeks to all five districts in Venezuela. They will meet with advisory boards and pastors to evaluate each district and choose future leadership. Please pray for mutual trust and open sharing during these meetings.

Continued Prayer Requests

· The intensive courses being taught in both Quito and Bogotá, 15 – 26 of January.
· The Dana Howard family while they’re on home assignment.
· Jennifer Baker that her strength will return completely after a severe viral infection.
· Diane Wright as she recovers from surgery to repair a compound fracture in her leg.
· Marion Rich, Dwight’s mother, that her strength will return after recent illness.
· Lucho Flores, one of our construction workers, as he recovers from a broken collarbone.
· Bruce McKellips as he continues to recover from rotator cuff surgery.
· The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.

January 06, 2007


Prayer Requests:

· Pray for the team currently in Colombia filming the testimony of Felix. We would appreciate prayers for safety, logistics, and that God will direct the project so that ultimately many lives will be impacted.
· Please pray for the ministerial ethics and evangelism training for pastors and laymen in Guayaquil churches this weekend. Also, pray for Stan Hall as he teaches and as he drives back on Monday, Jan. 8th.
· Pray for the Northwest Nazarene University team currently working with the Fischers in Venezuela. They are roofing one mission and installing a portable chapel at another mission. Their desire is that God’s name will be proclaimed and that the Venezuelans they meet will feel as if they’ve seen Jesus through this team’s ministry. Pray also for their safety while in Venezuela and for traveling safety on Jan. 9th.
· Please pray for the upcoming intensive courses being taught in both Quito and Bogotá. Pray for both the professors who are traveling to teach these courses and for the students.
· Pray for the healing of Rachel Wood, sister-in-law to Ginger. In addition to Bell’s Palsy, a cat scan detected that part of her brain is enlarged. She will find out the results of an MRI today (Friday).

Continued Prayer Requests:

· The Dana Howard family while they’re on home assignment.
· Jennifer Baker that her strength will return completely after a severe viral infection.
· Diane Wright as she recovers from surgery to repair a compound fracture in her leg.
· Marion Rich, Dwight’s mother, that her strength will return after recent illness.
· Lucho Flores, one of our construction workers, as he recovers from a broken collarbone.
· Bruce McKellips as he continues to recover from rotator cuff surgery.
· The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.

Prayer Requests and Praises for 12/15/06


Shirley Fischer (whose family is serving in Venezuela) sent in the following testimony: So many times we are not aware of God’s protection but we know He is there. This particular time it was very evident that God was with us, and we give Him all the glory.
On Thanksgiving morning we planned to drive to spend the day with some missionary friends. However, the truck’s battery was dead so we needed to push it to get it started. We decided that Krista would steer while the rest of us pushed. Without the truck started, steering was difficult. As the truck began rolling down the driveway, Jon yelled to Krista to put on the brakes; however, she was not strong enough to get them to work. Because of the way the wheels were turned, the truck went off the cement and headed towards the side of the mountain. There was nothing we could do but watch the truck go down with Krista inside. However, the truck turned so that it ran against the side of the fence. Had the wheels not been turned, the truck could have gone farther down the hill picking up speed to where there is no fence. When it was all over, Krista didn’t have a scratch on her; the truck only lost its side mirror; and the fence took the brunt of the accident. Now we rejoice in seeing the damaged fence because it is a daily reminder of God’s protection! Needless to say, we had a wonderful day of giving Thanks to God for his goodness.
Dwight Rich adds, “Anyone who has been at the Fischer’s home feels his/her stomach turn over when Krista is driving with no brakes and difficult steering. They are perched right on top of a mountain. In any direction off the road that truck would have gone plunging 1000s of feet. It is a miracle of God’s protection!”

Prayer Requests:

· The Howard family (missionaries serving in Ecuador) leave next week for home assignment. Please pray for traveling safety and for the upcoming pressures of a large family living away from home. May God bless them and their deputation ministry during the next several months.
· Several family members of our missionaries will be traveling to and from Ecuador during the holidays. Please pray for traveling safety.
Continued Prayer Requests:
· Jennifer Baker that her strength will return completely after a severe viral infection.
· Diane Wright as she recovers from surgery to repair a compound fracture in her leg.
· Marion Rich, Dwight’s mother, that her strength will return after recent illness.
· Lucho Flores, one of our construction workers, as he recovers from a broken collarbone.
· Bruce McKellips as he continues to recover from rotator cuff surgery.
· Craig and Gail Zickefoose while they’re on home assignment.
· The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.