August 01, 2009



· We are so thankful for all of our Seminary students. Keep them in your prayers as they continue to train for future ministry.

Prayer Requests

· Lift in prayer our Jesus Film national leadership as they travel throughout the NAF. Pray for the protection of team members and their equipment. We ask God to continue blessing this ministry as it brings the gospel to the lost.

Missionary Celebration

8/3 Dwight & Carolyn Rich’s anniversary

Continued Prayer Requests

· Kim Haddon as she travels from Venezuela back to Quito this week.

· Jean (Shirley Fischer’s cousin) undergoing cancer treatments.

· Stan, Sherri, Mary & Landon Hall on Home Assignment through 8/18.

· Jon, Shirley & Krista Fischer on Home Assignment through 8/12.

· The Partners in Ministry sponsorship program for our Seminary students.

· NILI: recruiting students and building relationships with partnering universities.

· The leadership throughout Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela as they seek to do God’s will.